Memory game - Kid's bedroom to print

15 Reviews

Print the free memory game

An observation memory game to print with a kid's bedroom. Look carefully at all the details of this decor, and then answer the questions on page 2 of this document.
Click on the button below to download the game in Pdf format and then print it.

You will find the detailed purpose of this game in the document or at the bottom of this page.

Print the game
(PDF format)

Purpose of this memory game - The Kid's bedroom

  • 1- Print the game in Pdf format thanks to the button above "PRINT THE GAME"
  • 2- Look carefully at all the details of this bedroom for 30 seconds (or more if necessary)
  • 3- Hide the decor
  • 4- Answer the questions on page 2 of the document
  • 6- When you're finished, check your answer

Author: Emmanuelle ROUGER   /   Published by Memozor
Last modified on December 24, 2020  /   Read 1133 times